cmCantCopyModifiedV1Profile - It is illegal to copy version 1 profiles that have been modified cmRangeOverFlow - One or more output color value overflows in color conversion all input color values will still be converted, and the overflown will be clipped cmInvalidProfileComment - Bad Profile comment during drawpicture cmNoGDevicesError - Begin/End Matching -- no gdevices available cmInvalidDstMap - Destination pix/bit map was invalid cmInvalidSrcMap - Source pix/bit map was invalid cmInvalidColorSpace - Profile colorspace does not match bitmap type cmErrIncompatibleProfile cmSearchError cmInvalidSearch - Bad Search Handle cmInvalidProfileLocation - Operation not supported for this profile location cmInvalidProfile - A Profile must contain a 'cs1 ' tag to be valid cmFatalProfileErr cmCantDeleteElement cmIndexRangeErr - Index out of range cmElementTagNotFound